Professor YU, Sau-Fung Doris
Associate Director
Professor, School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Professor YU, Sau-Fung Doris
Professor Yu is Professor at the School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. With the research expertise in gerontology and geriatric care, Professor Yu obtained over USD$ 21.7 million research grants to support the studies on prevalent elderly issues including geriatric symptom management, disease management models for debilitating diseases, brain health promotion, strength-based and family-oriented models on dementia care and caregiving. She is currently the Associate Editor and editorial board members of several journals in nursing, gerontology and geriatric cardiology. Professor Yu actively engages in knowledge translation, and successfully secured about USD$ 11 million of donations to implement evidence-based programs to prepare the society for population aging, enhance territory-wide brain health promotion and develop social capital to increase the wellness of socially deprived older adults. Professor Yu is member of several expert advisory panels of the HKSAR Government to support priority-setting for research funding and aged care policy. She also acts as consultant to support aged service development in the flagship NGOs in Hong Kong.