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Gerontology Postgraduate Education in HKU

MSocSc (Gerontology)


In view of the rapid ageing of the population in Asia, the programme aims at promoting innovative teaching and learning in gerontology as well as contributing to the development of ageing societies like Mainland China and the cultivation of leaders in elderly-related policy and aged-care services. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical and practical skills.

Learning outcomes

After the completion of this programme, students should be able to

  • possess the most advanced knowledge in gerontology and contemporary issues related to older adults;

  • possess the ability to conduct critical intellectual inquiry in gerontology in the light of the best available evidence;

  • possess the ability to generate enquiries about the issues in gerontology and derive an appropriate response;

  • understand, appraise, and analyze the impact of ageing in a global and societal context;

  • identify, formulate, and solve novel and ill-defined problems related to aged population;

  • function well in a multi-disciplinary team of gerontology and communicate effectively with the team members orally and in writing; and

  • demonstrate the potential of becoming responsive leaders in gerontology, especially in policy advocacy.

For more details about the program, please refer to the website of HKU Department of Social Work and Social Administration:
Master of Social Sciences (Gerontology) Programme

Ph.D. & M.Phil. in Gerontology

Sau Po Centre on Ageing is one of the research centres under the Faculty of Social Sciences which has been ranked 25th in the world and the first in Asia based on the latest Times Higher Education Survey. To purse research and academic excellence, high calibre candidates are welcome to apply for the Ph.D. / M.Phil. Programme offered by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong.

Faculty’s fields of interests in Gerontology

A list of Department’s faculty and their fields of interest is enclosed below to facilitate your application. You are strongly encouraged to approach the faculty first before submitting your application form since your application will be assessed by relevant faculty members.

Fields of Interest
Professor CHAN L.W. Cecilia 陳麗雲
Integrative Body-mind-spirit wellbeing; health and social work; practice research; death; bereavement; loss and trauma; NGO management; capacity building and empowerment intervention
Professor CHOW Y.M. Amy 周燕雯
Bereavement; end-of-life care; death and dying; life and death education and research self-efficacy
Professer HO S.Y. Petula 何式凝
Qualitative research, gender and sexuality issues
Professor HO T.H. Rainbow 何天虹
Dance movement therapy; creative arts therapy; psychophysiology, psycho-oncology; psychosocial intervention; movement analysis; verbal and non-verbal communications; spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy, exercises and health
Professor LUM Y.S. Terry 林一星
Long term care, productive ageing, social policy, gerontology.
Professor NG S.M. 吳兆文
Mental health and Chinese medicine psychology, family expressed emotions and schizophrenia, mindfulness and spirituality
Professor TSE S.K. Samson 謝樹基
Recovery oriented and strengths-based interventions for individuals affected by mental illness, bipolar disorder, problem gambling
Professor WONG F.K. Daniel 黃富強
Cognitive behavior therapy, mental health counselling, migration and mental health, community Mental health
Professor YIP S.F. Paul 葉兆輝
Suicide research and prevention; demography; biostatistics; and population health studies
Dr CHUI H.K. Cheryl 徐曉君
Social enterprises; social entrepreneurship; nonprofit management; ethnic minorities; volunteerism; international and social development; community empowerment
Domestic violence; child maltreatment; refugees; informal social control
Dr. JORDAN L.P. 喬曦
Migration/immigration, social policy, community and social development; family studies
Dr. LAW Y.W. Frances 羅亦華
Service utilization and access to care, community-based mental health program , social work practice, and , social service evaluation
Professor LOU W.Q. Vivian 樓瑋群
Social gerontology including psychological and spiritual wellbeing; social support; long-term care; family caregiving; and grandparenting; active aging for boomers generation
Dr. RAN Maosheng 冉茂盛
Social Development and Mental Health, Community Mental Health, Family Intervention; Suicide and Mental Illness; Health Disparities
Dr. TSANG K.M. Sandra 曾潔雯
Parent education; child and adolescent assessment and intervention; special education; gambling and drug prevention; family service review and development.
Dr. WONG W.C. Paul 黃蔚澄
Suicidal behaviour across the lifespan; evidence-based practices for mental illnesses and suicidal behavior; information technology and mental illness and mental health; mental health promotion;
Dr. CHEN Y.C. 陳昱志
Social determinants of health, Aging and life course, productive and activity engagement, economic security and financial capability in later life, cross-national comparative study
Dr. CHONG S.K. Eddie 莊兆鈞
mindfulness, trauma-informed care, stress and resilience processes of historically marginalized populations, diversity-related awareness and efficacy, counseling education and training
Dr. HUANG Y.T. 黃昱得
Adolescent mental health; sexual minority youth; immigrant youth and families; intersections of minority identities; epistemology of social work research
Dr. LU S. 盧霜
Family migration and child development; nonprofit capacity building; intervention research; international social work
Dr. LUO H. 羅昊
Big data analytics in health and mental health; health policy; chronic illness and frailty; gerontology; tests and measurements in social research; standardized assessment in long-term care
Dr. WANG S.H. Julia 汪書華
Poverty, immigration, international social welfare, child and family welbeing, social policy analysis, intervention research, cost-effectiveness/benefit-cost analysis

For more details about the programme, please refer to the website of HKU Department of Social Work and Social Administration:

RPg Programme by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU



Programme Director
Prof. Paul SF Yip

Tel: (852) 3917 4375


Administrative Support
Tel: (852) 3917 2094


Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong
11/F, T.T. Tsui Building, The University of Hong Kong,

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
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