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Campus Ageing Mix Project for University Students (CAMPUS)

Population ageing

A staggering trend

According to the World Health Organization, in 2012, only Japan's proportion of older adults (aged 60 or above) exceeds 30% of the whole population. However, by 2050, many other countries will have a similar proportion of older population to that of Japan in 2012, "from Europe and North America, to Chile, China, Iran, South Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam". ​


The number of older adults (aged over 60) would rise from 12% to 22% of the whole population in the world. By 2050, this total amount of older adults in the world would be two billion.

The ageing of the world's populations is the result of the continued decline in fertility rates and increased life expectancy. This demographic change has resulted in increasing numbers and proportions of people who are over 60.

World Health Organization

Hong Kong and population ageing

Hong Kong will become a super-aged society!


According to the Census and Statistics Department, the total population of Hong Kong is projected to reach a peak of 8.22 million in 2043. ​ In 2066, the number of elderly persons is projected to reach 2.59 million. ​ Specifically, the percentage of the elderly population as a sub-group is expected to rise from 17% in 2016, to 37% in 2066! ​


It is also worth noting that the elderly population will remain at over 2.3 million for at least 30 years.

hk population.png

Project Leaders

  • Prof Ian Holliday

  • Prof William Hayward

  • Prof Vivian Wei-Qun Lou

  • Ms Annie Chen

  • Prof Daniel Wing-Leung Lai

  • Prof Nancy Morrow-Howell

  • Prof Christine Meng-Sang Fang, BBS, JP

Hong Kong Skyline

Further more...

Most of the older adults, regardless of their physical capabilities or health statuses, live in homes! ​


According to the Census and Statistics Department, impaired/ disabled older adults (aged 60 or above) make up of a total of 20.4% of the whole population in 2013. ​ Among them, 94.8% (60-64 years), 95.1% (65-69 years) and 82.1% (above 70 years) live in their own residence. ​


Similarly, older adults (aged 60 or above) with chronic diseases make up of a total of 20.4% of the whole population in 2013. Among them, 98.6% (60-64 years), 98.4% (65-69 years) and 89.9% (above 70 years) live in their own residence.

Population ageing is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first century.

The United Nations



Institutional Partner


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Technological Support

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